
I'm On A Nutrition Mission

Hi guys,
So you may or may not know that I am currently studying an online Nutritional Therapist course with the Health Sciences Academy.
Embarrassingly I actually bought the course two years ago and I did start it but it wasn't really a priority for me to complete it so as is with life, it got put on the backburner. Since coming back from travelling, I decided that I was gonna knuckle down and get the course finished. I've only got a few more hours left until I have completed it so I thought I'd share my nutrition goals with you all.

I've been vegan for over two years now, so most people would assume that I have a fairly healthy lifestyle. However, I hold my hands up and admit that I am a junk food lover and convenience addict.
I can't have a cup of tea without dunking a few (or half a packet) of biscuits in. I'll often snack between my healthy meals with crisps or toast with lots of Vitalite. I'm happy having chocolate covered cereal at 10pm and if there is a vegan cake on the menu I'll be an excitable lady.
 I'm far from being perfect in the diet department. So before I'm qualified I better preach what I'm about to teach and get into some healthier habits!

So a few things that I've switched up so far are;

      click for image sourcehttp://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/6e/52/c8/6e52c8c4ff62761a849fd562aa276dd1.jpg: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/6e/52/c8/6e52c8c4ff62761a849fd562aa276dd1.jpg: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/6e/52/c8/6e52c8c4ff62761a849fd562aa276dd1.jpg:
No sugar in tea.
I used to be one of those gross people who had two sugars! Not sweet enough is what I always used to say! Now I have weened myself off and I have zero sugars and unsweetened soy milk. I try to limit my 'proper' brews to only 1 or 2 cups a day and the rest of the time I drink herbal or green teas.
             click for image sourceFood Mood for RedMilk Magazine - STEPHANIE GONOT PHOTO: Food Mood for RedMilk Magazine - STEPHANIE GONOT PHOTO: Food Mood for RedMilk Magazine - STEPHANIE GONOT PHOTO:
Limit crisps.
Whenever I fancy a packet of crisps I go for some olives or pickled onions instead. If I'm feeling in a snacky mood I'll get a little glass bowl (you know the GU pudding ones) filled with unsalted nuts, raisins and seeds. When I lived back home I'd eat at least one packet a day without fail.
            Orange food, click for image sourceOrange food.    Food photography by Stephanie Gonot.: Orange food.    Food photography by Stephanie Gonot.: Orange food.    Food photography by Stephanie Gonot.:
No orange juice.
Ok so this is a kinda biggie for me, I used to be obsessed with orange juice, I didn't think mornings were worth getting up for without a big, icy glass of OJ. However, I found out that it has more sugar than a bottle of coke eeesh! So now in the morning I have a real orange or tangerine and enjoy the zest but without all the concentrated sugar.
          Linda Tordoff, click for image sourceLinda Tordoff, veg, illustration, colour, food, mushroom, cooking, drawing, texture: Linda Tordoff, veg, illustration, colour, food, mushroom, cooking, drawing, texture: Linda Tordoff, veg, illustration, colour, food, mushroom, cooking, drawing, texture:
Adding extra veggies.
At the moment, I'm doing the majority of cooking for the Moon household. This means I'm trying to prepare nutritious yet tasty options to please everyone. The basis of my food is usually beans, lentils or veggies so that's pretty good but I've also started to incorporate at least one healthy side dish to get the extra veg in. Kalettes are a favourite right now. Plus I tend to make a veggie soup or stew for lunches and lunchboxes.
    Chocolate. Click for Image SourceLluvia de endorfinas: Lluvia de endorfinas: Lluvia de endorfinas:
Chocolate cravings.
Yep, I love chocolate and it's not something I plan on giving up. The good news, I don't have to! Dark and raw chocolate have many health benefits! So I might have to end my relationship with Bournville bars, as it's more fat and sugar than chocolate but as least I can have a few squares to get my fix.
      Amazing food, click for image sourceAmazing food patterns by Julie Lee: Amazing food patterns by Julie Lee:
Little extras.
So I have been adding extra foods for a superfood boost. I always add chia seeds to my morning oats, I've added pumpkin seeds to salads and sesame seeds to stir fries. I'm just trying to go for more good calories than empty calories. I try to use avocado on toast and sandwiches instead of margarine. Sometimes small steps lead to big changes :)
          DNA Watercolor Print Click For Image SourceDNA Watercolor Print - Genetics Watercolor Art Print Set - Geneticist Art…: DNA Watercolor Print - Genetics Watercolor Art Print Set - Geneticist Art…: DNA Watercolor Print - Genetics Watercolor Art Print Set - Geneticist Art…:
I used to be pretty regular taking my vitamins but recently I've been terrible at remembering and I have suffered from a few colds and sniffles since Christmas. So I pledge to take my multivitamin every day! Supplements are essential for the body as getting a complete balance of all vitamins and minerals on a daily basis isn't always achievable.

I think by writing these down I feel more inclined to stick to them. When I've finished my course I have a lot of resources and ideas that I want to put into action. Mainly to turn fad 'dieting' on its head and make sure that we are all getting the right fuel. With the right nutrients, we can heal, flourish and become our best selves.

If you have any questions about nutrition, diets, veganism etc I'd love for you to get in touch :)

Thanks for reading,
Rachelle xxx

Confessions Of A 'Technically' Unemployed, Ex-Backpacker Who Is Pondering Jobs, Careers & A Purpose

Pink Tape
I love John Holcroft's illustrations <3 td="">

So-confession time.

I'm basically in 'life-limbo' right now.
Which is ridiculous really, I shouldn't be postponing my life until we find a house/I find a perfect job/until this situation that is beyond my control resolves itself.
It's silly, AND furthermore, I'm literally wishing my life away.
The first few weeks of January I felt a bit blue and I keep noticing this repeating feeling of 'Everything will work out when X, Y and Z happens'
Which is a whole lot of made up mind crap, so I kicked myself in the butt (I've been doing yoga y'know!) and decided that with this 'limbo-time' I was going to prioritise myself and my well-being and get rid of those niggling feelings.
Yes, this situation is temporary but I know that I should feel gratitude to be able to have this me-time. I'm not hurting anyone else with my life decisions, if I had to I could go out and get any mind-numbing job and that would be the end of it. BUT I want to build my own career and have this freedom that I've experienced from backpacking the past three months.

I've been reading this awesome book called Free Range Humans and one of the exercises was to write down your perfect day if time/money/work etc was not an issue. I wrote mine down. Then I had a realisation. The general day's that I'm living at the moment are SO CLOSE to my perfect day. Weird huh? The only difference is that I would be somewhere where the weather was better and I had a rescue dog :') I just want each day to be healthy, mindful, immersed in nature, be a school day, revolve around great vegan food, be filled with interesting stories and of course spending quality time with my loved ones.

So if you're having similar feelings; perhaps you're feeling the pressure to make 2017 the 'best year yet', or you're feeling a bit fearful of this turbulent political time. I wholly recommend taking some time for yourself and realigning your priorities. Since coming back from travelling I've made myself a priority, which can sound pretty selfish when you put it that way but once you've come to terms with yourself, your personality and what makes you tick, only then can you go out into this crazy world and make a difference.

My honest advice would be to quit your job and travel the world for a bit to get a new perspective on things but obviously, I know that is not a viable solution for everyone right now...

If you're stuck in a rut in your job, I wholeheartedly recommend reading Free Range Humans by Marianne Cantwell or even checking out her blog so you can work through the exercises without doing anything drastic like quitting your job, however you can plant a seed in the woodland of your mind and see if any ideas begin to bloom. Because I'm a kind soul, I've found a sample chapter here for you to read.

If you're unemployed, I've said this before (last time I was technically unemployed) DO NOT PANIC! 
Everyone will ask you how your job hunt is going, everyone will ask what you're next big plans are and it can feel pretty overwhelming. You just have to remember that some people (especially of the older generation) had completely different circumstances 'back in the day'. They were expected to get a job when they finished education and stay there until the pension kicked in. 
The world just isn't like that anymore, no-one really has complete job security and honestly, so many people are petrified of change that they only dream of pursuing their passions only to regret it later in life.

 I know I may have an unconventional view on this topic and you might not feel the same way. I'd just love for you all to think about it for a minute. What would you do if you could do absolutely anything in this world? I'm not saying we should all be bums and live off the system, what I'm trying to express is ultimately life is short. We should prioritise our happiness. I'm sure a few of you absolutely love your job and are living an authentic life, I'm sure a few of you hate your jobs and fantasise about handing in your notice. 

 Ha, I know I'm a bit of a new-age hippie but an 'alternative' lifestyle really interests me. I find people who have escaped this 'conventional, corporate' world to be incredibly fascinating and they generally have a good outlook on life. 

I can't complain, in the last two months I have committed to an exercise regime, rebooted my desire to learn by finally tackling my nutritional therapist course (yesss I'm still doing it), had my articles published in a physical magazine (and got paid for it!), decluttered more of my life, spent more time with family and became responsible for myself. I like this way of life, more importantly, it has spurred me on to create something better for myself.

One of my favourite quotes ' Life is too short to just pay bills and die'

I just wanted to write a little thought piece about this to see what you guys think about the subject. So please let me know below or let's connect on Instagram :D
Thanks for reading,
Rachelle xxx


PROJECT 333-What's In My Wardrobe?

So here is the itemised blog post featuring (almost) all of my final pieces for Project 333.

I have written them all down so hopefully, you can get a better idea of what a 33 -piece capsule wardrobe looks like. Y'know what-you actually get more to work with than you think!

A few pieces I haven't photographed because I wear them but they need replacing soon. They're fine for working from home and going for walks (aka my life right now) but ideally, I would like to find 'new' secondhand versions that have a lot more life left in them.

-BLACK LEGGINGS* (not pictured)
-BLACK JEGGINGS* (not pictured)









All items marked with a * were bought secondhand :)

So that is my rough version for January/February and March, I still need to tweak a few bits but I think that a capsule wardrobe will never really be 'finished' I think it's an interesting process that will grow and evolve over time. So I have 39 items right now but like I say some will probably get swapped around. Plus I should probably skim down my roll neck and coat habit :')

Also, I'd like to talk about the cost of a secondhand capsule wardrobe. Some of these pieces I've had for ages and I still wear them all the time. For me, it's not about going out and buying the perfect capsule wardrobe for the sake of it. It's a longer process. It takes time to find the right garments secondhand but I will say that you should enjoy the process. I'm so happy that I have a wardrobe of clothes that I love, that literally cost me less than £50 for all of the secondhand pieces combined. If you are a serial high-street shopper than that probably seems shocking! I just want to share with everyone that secondhand does NOT mean low-quality, fast-fashion cast-offs or grannies clothes. I like to think that my wardrobe has some classic pieces and that it reflects my personal style.

I think that's enough for this post but please share with me your thoughts on Project 333, if you're taking part yourself let me know how it's going :)

Thanks for reading,
Rachelle xxx


PROJECT 333: It Begins...

Recently I have been really inspired to create my own capsule wardrobe and invest in things that will last me throughout the seasons. I read about Project 333 last year and knew I wanted to give it a go.
Amidst a huge clear out and then three months living from a backpack I kinda forgot about the project until I watched 'Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things' on Netflix last week, and it features the creator of the project and re-lit the fire in my belly! (P.S You should totally watch it!)
I know that I can live with very few clothes as I spent three months living out of a 40L backpack. A few dresses, shorts and lightweight tees were perfect for travelling around the warmth of SE Asia however when I got back to the UK in the middle of winter, I knew I'd definitely need to add a few more layers and cosy clothing.

I'm currently staying at my boyfriend's parent's house until we find a place of our own. So, I actually only have a capsule wardrobe here with me, although I have six bin bags full clothes in the caravan ready to go when car booty season arrives.

I've done my primary sort out for my JAN/FEB/MARCH capsule, I have around forty items and it's very obvious that I have some sort of jumper and roll-neck obsession. I LOVE THEM ALL. I'd rather have two pairs of trousers and ten jumpers. So it does need a little refining...

I'm going to venture out to the charity shops and see if I can find the perfect denim pencil skirt, along with a good dress that I can wear over my jazzy tops and by itself too.
I'm pretty good at spotting practically new things at the charity shop (If I say so my'sel) and I know a good brand when I see one, so hopefully I can still buy a few 'new to me' bits.

I know when I was at university, with my part-time job and student loans I always went for quantity over quality. My mindset was: studying a fashion course should mean that you always express yourself through new pieces, so I wasn't too keen on repeating outfits and I always tried to switch things up. In first-year, Primark was my usual haunt along with student discount days at New Look.

Looking through my wardrobe now I don't have a single item of clothing that I bought new during that time frame, they either fell apart or were very faddy trends that would look ridiculous now!
In fact, I'm proud to say that over 90% of the items in my wardrobe have been bought secondhand.
Now my aim is to buy classic pieces that will withstand my '30 wears'* initial test but will last for years to come.

* I can't remember where I originally saw the 30 wear idea, but if you can't commit to wearing something at least thirty times it ain't for you!

So I'll be writing about my experience with living with less and hopefully it'll have a positive outcome. If you're interested in taking part in the project, let me know! It's always great to have a little online gang of folk with similar interests :)

Do you think you could survive with only 33 items of clothing for three months?

Thanks For Reading,
Rachelle xxx


The Ultimate Vegan Gift Guide For Gals 2016

Ahh, it's the week before Christmas! You've still not bought anything for that pesky vegan friend or family member. Time is ticking, what do vegan's even like anyway?!

Well, most vegan ladies are just like 'normal people' and like chocolates, smellies, make-up, booze and candles. You just need to take a little extra time and make sure that the aforementioned don't contain any animal by-products, which is easier said than done. 
I have been enjoying the vegan lifestyle for over two years now so I've been exploring the interwebz to find my favourite Christmassy gift ideas.
So here is a little list to inspire you, my friend :)

*Prices and availability are subject to change (it is Christmas after all!)

If your vegan friend has some of those green fingers, a plant is a perfect gift. These Ginseng Bonsai trees from Ikea are cute and remind me of that weird root baby from Pans Labyrinth.

Practical and fun! If you know a vegan who loves cooking and being organised this will be the perfect gift!

Bath bombs are the best! A lot of lush products display the vegan sign if you're not sure what is suitable. This 'yoga bomb' smells incredible and creates a spa experience in your bathroom for under a fiver-bargain!

Avocados and pins are so hot right now, so if you combine the two you're onto a winner! It'll look so cute on the vintage denim jackets or fastened onto a rucksack.

I'm sure many of you will have seen these before. The hilarious yet massively practical banana guard. I LOVE bananas they are my life source, but there is nothing worse than a squidgy, black banana at the bottom of your bag. Yes, your friends might initially think that you are insane but so much fruit logic! Plus they fit ALL sizes of bananas ;)

Vegans love snacks! Everyone loves snacks but when you're vegan you gotta carry around emergency rations in case you can't find anything suitable to eat close-by. Perfect for fruit, bliss balls and hummus n carrots. These ones from paperchase are especially cute.

Most vegans care about the world, and the quest to eliminate plastic bags is a noble one. Henceforth a canvas tote bag is a great stocking filler.

Hygge is the traditional Danish way of brightening up the coldest winter months and embracing that 'cosy' feeling. Exactly what we need to embrace a gloomy British Winter.

These slippers are adorable. Any animal-themed novelty slipper would go down a treat but I particularly love the bunnies.

I think that Crazy Rumours lip balms have the most amazing flavours! I've only tried a few but I've loved them all (hello apple cinnamon!)
These little boxes are a sweet way to try out four different flavours.

A candle is a simple yet thoughtful gift, especially when it's in a festive, spicy scent! Woodwick candles are vegan-friendly, smell amazing and last for months. Please bring back the rum and raisin scent Woodwick!

If you're looking for the perfect leather alternative look no further than Rubber killer! Made from reclaimed rubber, this pouch is ideal as a waterproof washbag or makeup bag.

I can't believe I've been vegan for two years and no-one has ever bought me Booja Booja chocolates! Sad Christmas. I hear these are the BEST dairy-free, cruelty-free chocolates around. Plus the box itself is so beautiful! They do also do cheaper boxes under £10 so it's definitely worth checking them out.

I haven't actually tried the Pai range, but they always seem to get rave reviews online. This starter set is a little pricier but for all those skincare lovers, it would make a lovely gift. They even make the muslin cloth sound super-amazing. I must try and get my hands on one :)

So many alcoholic drinks are accidentally vegan, check barnivore if you're not sure. A creamy liqueur is often difficult to find a vegan alternative. Luckily Besos De Oro have come to the rescue with their take on Irish cream.

Neve make-up brushes are amazing! Super-soft and available in an array of majestic colours. I love this case to keep them all together, so they don't get squashed and lose their magic powers.

Whilst everyone and their dog is going crazy over the Naked palettes, they're tested on animals you know :'( 
Lily Lolo to the rescue with this 'Pedal To The Metal' palette. Gorgeous shades perfects for day and night. Super long-wearing and highly pigmented, a fab prezzie for all the glam vegans of the world.

I love the smell of Pacifica perfumes but to be honest I always forget about them when I think of gifts, probably because they're not easily found in the shops! The Indian Coconut Nectar range smells deeevine! Plus its only £15 for a bottle and it comes in gorgeous packaging.

So I hope that this list has helped you to think of some gift ideas for the lovely vegans in your life :)
Let me know if you decided to buy anything from the list!
Thanks For Reading,
Rachelle x


How To Enjoy The Holiday Season If You Are BROKE, STRESSED & GRINCHY

For many, the festivities of December are more of a strain on the purse strings than the most wonderful time of the year. If you're a student, unemployed or your lifestyle just doesn't leave you with any disposable income after rent and bills, I hope this post will help you find that holiday spirit!

As cliche as it is to say around this time of year, Christmas is not just about the presents and the food. It's time to spend with loved ones, it's a time to practice random acts of kindness, it's a time to help those less fortunate than yourself and it's a time to reflect on the past year and how far you've come.

If you're stressed out because you can't have a Christmas like on all of the TV adverts, please be kind to yourself. No-one has those sorts of Christmas days! They're a fantasy to make you spend all of your earnings on materialistic things that just don't matter.

So here are a few ideas to help you spread the Christmas cheer!

1) Go to Poundland/B&M/Homebargains, Y'know the discount food places and buy all the gravy granules, stuffing, tins of vegetables and chocolate coins that you can afford. You can get plenty for under £5. Then donate this food to your local food bank. Many people simply can't afford to have a proper Christmas dinner and this small act will honestly make someone's day. Tony Robbins recalls the time that someone did this when he was young and look how it affected him.

2) If you have an elderly relative/neighbour/family friend who will be by themselves this Christmas. Bake them some mince pies and write a handmade card. Go and visit them and give them the gift of your time. Ask them about their most memorable Christmas, Who would be their favourite guest at the dinner table? Eat the mince pies and drink tea/mulled wine with them. You will really make their day.

you will never regret being kind <3: 3) If you know a family with kids who are always non-stop and never get a chance to go out, offer to babysit for free one night! You can wear Christmas jumpers, watch Elf and have a good old time whilst the parents can finally get a moment to themselves to do as they please.

4) Volunteer at a charity/organisation that is close to your heart. You could do some dog-walking or kitten-cuddling at your local animal shelter. Litter-pick on the beach! Perhaps offer a helping hand with a community project in your area. You could offer to wrap some presents for your local children's charity as they often have many gift donations that need wrapping! Think about the less fortunate this year and volunteer at a homeless shelter, serving food and chatting is one way to show your humanity to people who have been shunned by society.

5) If you don't have a penny to spend on gifts but still want to give something meaningful, print some 'Christmas Cheques'. Instead of giving a physical gift you can offer to do just about anything:

  • Cleaning the Car/House/Garage
  • Breakfast In Bed
  • DIY Spa Day
  • A Spontaneous Day Out
  • Movie Night
  • Massages ;)

Think of a talent that you have and share it with others. Even helping with fairly simple yet time-consuming things like listing things on eBay or sorting out that old PC would be a big hand for a technophobe.
There is a free template here, or if you're a whizz on Photoshop then you could make some personalised ones which would be even better!

paper snowflake curtain:
6) Pay it forward.
Yeah, I know this is a list for if you're super broke but even something as simple as paying for a stranger's coffee in Costa or buying a random scratchcard and leaving it somewhere with a little note is a fun thing to do! It'll cost a couple of quid and you can feel that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. If you want some inspiration watch the Pay It Forward film.

7) Have a creative crafty day with your family, even if you're artistic skills are practically non-existent! Everyone can decoupage or paint something abstract. Put on Kirstie's Handmade Christmas in the background and make some silly decorations for the Christmas table or some paper snowflake garlands. Cheap and cheerful and you can enjoy a being inside on a cosy winter's evening.

8) Decide to do Secret Santa if you have a large family, this way you can set a budget and get something that they might actually want instead of trying to spread yourself so thin that everyone gets's something just for the sake of it. Drawnames is a great website that does all the hard work for you and they can add a little list of things that they might want, perfect if you're a gift overthinker!

9) Organise a 'Festive Indoor Treasure Hunt' if you have younger siblings or cousins. This could be a fun activity on the big day itself! You just need to write a few clues and hide them around the house and then the treasure can be some chocolate coins. I remember my auntie doing this when my brother and I went to visit her and it was so amazing! This was before computers were a thing, so she had written the clues and personalised them for her home. You can print off some indoor clues if you're a little short on time!

Image Source10) Make sure you send thank you notes to everyone who got you a gift, not just e-cards either, a proper handwritten note saying how much you loved the gift. Especially nice for older relatives but make a habit of noting down who got what and sending a card, even if it was a box of chocolates!

11) If you're in any way sporty why not run/jump/skip/swim/hula-hoop for a good cause. Anything from raising money for equipment at a school, blankets for the animal shelter or helping raise funds for a wheelchair for someone in need. The opportunities are endless!

12) If you've experienced some great service this year from your smiley barista, helpful supermarket assistant, or anyone who works in the retail/customer service industry. Make sure you take their name and write a quick email to the company praising them. It takes minutes and the person that receives the compliment will have their day made. Working in retail is tough over the festive period and some anonymous encouragement really goes a long way! Same for local independent business, a glowing Trip Advisor review really helps small business!

louise cunningham's blog: Papyrus Christmas Card: 13) Struggling for a sentimental gift? Print off one of your family's favourite photos and put in a frame. So many of us have hoards of snaps on our phones but rarely do anything with them! You can pick up a cheap frame from the pound shop and customise it if you're feeling creative.

14) If you have literally no money but still want to give a sincere gift, how about writing someone a heartfelt letter? Barely anyone takes the time to write with an old-fashioned pen and paper anymore. It's always so lovely to receive a letter in the post amongst bills and junk mail.
It is especially wonderful if you've not seen that person as much as you should've lately. Write a pact that you'll promise to see them more, share your favourite memory together or write them a list of stuff you admire about them! Christmas can really be a tough time for some and an unexpected piece of snail mail really brings out the feels! For the sake of 55p for a second-class stamp, it is so worth it :)

15) Instead of lounging in front of the TV when you get back in from work, go on a Christmas lights hunt! Wrap up in your warmest things, take the dog (borrow a dog!) and go on the search for the best festive house in your area. The local vet close-by always has a ridiculous display of Christmas lights, you can see it for miles around. So we usually go for a wander up and donate some money to the NSPCC who they fundraise for.

Christmas, dog walkers, Nordic sweaters:
16) If you can't afford to go out for a Christmas meal with your friends why not host a festive get together at your place? We're doing this at a friend's house this year and I'm so excited! We're all bringing a few dishes/snacks, wearing Christmas PJs, having a few drinks, playing Articulate/Cards Against Humanity and having a sleepover! Maybe it's a sign of getting old when you're looking forward to partying in your pj's and playing board games BUT so much more chilled then going for a formal meal and then hitting the cocktail bars. Definitely a lot better for the bank balance too :D

17) If you're feeling like 2016 hasn't been the best year for you, I recommend reading Gala's post '10 Questions To Ask Yourself To End 2016 Feeling Positive & Powerful' here
Take an evening to yourself, find a notebook and spend a couple of hours evaluating the past year and what you want from 2017.
Sometimes at this time of year when you're thinking about everyone else, you just have to take some time out for yourself. Light a candle, put some relaxing music on, turn off your phone and journal to your heart's content.

18) It's ok to say 'no'. This bit of advice was difficult for me at first. I always like to make the effort to see everyone and do everything. In December that just isn't possible. All the invites, get-togethers, work do's, Christmas markets, ooh and the festive vintage fair will fill up every spare evening/weekend. If you do it all you're going to end up burnt out, penniless and cursing the fact that you are such a social butterfly! Why do you think so many people get ill around this time of year? Too much on their plate and all the extra stress that comes with trying to live up the 'perfect' Christmas.
I know it's really difficult at first, I've been there, I used to make up elaborate excuses but it's ok to say 'I'm sorry I can't make it, I've got too much on.' No-one will hate you I promise. Have a read of this, How To Say 'No' To People You Can't Say No To!'

After backpacking for three months (...on my gap yah...) I'm glad to be back for Christmas festivities! I just have a collective feeling that this year everyone seems to be more stressed about Christmas than usual! Anyone else feeling this way?
I really hope these ideas have helped you get rid of the inner grinch and think of Christmas time in a slightly different way.

What is your favourite Christmas 'tradition' ? 
Thanks for reading :)
Rachelle x



Rachelle's 'I Can't Believe It's Not Beige' Travel Wishlist

It's 10 weeks til we leave on our travelling adventure, so I thought I would compile a wishlist of things I need to take with me. I'm going for practical yet fun approach, so I don't drown in a sea of beige and khaki like the adventure shops suggest! 
I like colour, print and functionality so here are my top picks:
After discovering that the backpacks I had bought previously were too big for hand luggage, I've been on the hunt for a smaller yet roomy backpack that will be suitable for cabin luggage and will be light enough to wear for a couple of hours, throw on a boat and not look like a 'tourist target'.
I've been researching and a 35-40L bag seems to be the best choice, large enough for an extended trip but still small enough to be practical. I love the colour of this backpack and it had fantastic reviews on Amazon. I have actually ordered this so I'm looking forward to doing some practice packing when it arrives :)

Can you believe that these are Crocs? I want a pair of sandals that are comfy, bold and suitable for paddling in the sea. These are perfect! They don't look too clunky and they will certainly brighten up any outfit. They're easy to clean and dry off too so there won't be any soggy shoes to worry about. I think they're cute enough to wear during the day yet still jazzy enough to wear at night.

After watching approximately 4869683984 videos on Youtube about 'How To Pack' (yes I'm a nerd) packing cubes seemed to be the common trend! These ones are slim enough to fit in a backpack and promise to keep your organised so you don't have to empty out you whole rucksack to find something at the bottom of your bag.

I looked at my earphones the other day and they are truly knackered, I'm surprised they haven't electrocuted me yet! So perfect timing to treat myself to a new pair ;) The longest flight I have been on in my life is 4 hours, this one is going to be at least 10! So I plan to listen to my music and maybe download a few podcasts and audio books to keep me entertained. Plus I'll be loading up my phone with calming whale music so that I'm mega chill on the plane and can perhaps have a lil sleepy. These ones cancel out any background noise so no crying babies or terrifying turbulence can interrupt my panpipes album.

I'm obsessed with  this stuff. Like, how can one teeny drop create so much lather?! Tell me your secrets Dr Bronner!
I really want a diddy bottle to take with me but in reality, I know I'm going to decant my big bottle into a mini one. This stuff has 18 uses apparently, I think I'll primarily use it as a body wash and perhaps as a gentle fabric wash too. I usually use it as a make-up brush cleaner too so that will be handy when I'm on the go.

I plan to eat all the (vegan) street food in Thailand and be a pro market shopper too. I have visions of myself eating half a watermelon on a beach with a spork! I'm an absolute chopstick novice so I think my spork will save me from making a fool of myself. Plus it's a lot more eco-friendly that disposable plastic cutlery.

My legs go funny after a few hours in the car so I definitely want to take extra precaution when I'm flying for so long! Compression socks are massively boring UNLESS they're pink and orange and stripey. I think it's worth investing in a proper pair as the last thing you want when you arrive in a new country is big, fat, achy ankles! These ones are made from an eco-friendly bamboo fibre which wicks away moisture too :)

When you're travelling with hand-luggage only it's difficult to prioritise what liquids to take (especially if you're taking 5 bottles of vegan SPF 50!) So I've been thinking about what liquids can be substituted for solid versions. I've been using a Lush Solid conditioner for a few months so I think I'll continue to use that and I've had a solid shampoo in the past and it lasted absolutely ages! It's good that I'm travelling with my boyfriend because we can share toiletries which is a bonus. I'm totally planning on getting all my hair braided and beaded anyway. Corn rows FTW!

What are you travel essentials? Have you travelled for a few months with only hand luggage? I'd love to hear your experiences...
Thanks for reading :)